Silk Road forums

Market => Rumor mill => Topic started by: sej0999 on July 08, 2011, 12:28 am

Title: Has anyone bought from Barrysneaky?
Post by: sej0999 on July 08, 2011, 12:28 am
I want to know if this guy is legit or not
Title: Re: Has anyone bought from Barrysneaky?
Post by: crunk_juice77 on July 08, 2011, 12:52 pm
hey dude I ordered a few days ago. Im pretty sure he is scamming tho, he can buy his own feedback, and have noticed that when i receive a message from him, the time correlates exactly to when he gets "new feedback". This has happened at least 3 times. everything is perfectly typed. i dunno, too good to be true I think. I was desperate for an order because my GF is dopesick, and he seemed like a decent guy. He says order was shipped, but will NOT give me a tracking number even though the shipping method I chose was one with tracking (he says he has too many #'s)

I spent the last of my money hoping that it will work, but my doubt's continue to grow. I will make sure to let you guys know whether I receive anything. Could just be paranoid, but honestly, he isn't helping by not providing tracking. and the whole feedback thing worry's me a lot. I would abstain from now, and order from a fellow named "Illy"  I had a long chat with him, and got to know him pretty well. He is an excellent dude, and would do business with him any day and not worry.

Like I said, I will let you know if anything shows up, or if I'm able to track my package. But im pretty sure I just got hosed :P
Title: Re: Has anyone bought from Barrysneaky?
Post by: crunk_juice77 on July 08, 2011, 12:57 pm
weird. post only shows up when i hit "next" then "previous" very odd

nvm    ctrl + F5 seemed to do the trick. :)
Title: Re: Has anyone bought from Barrysneaky?
Post by: e879281 on July 08, 2011, 03:26 pm
I bought from him.. he seemed really nice and up-front, messaged me back promptly, etc. Said he shipped it out... followed up several times to ask if it had been delivered... that was over a week ago and I haven't gotten anything. He said it would take 2-3 days to get here, it has been over 7 now. I'm guessing I got ripped off as I have not received any visits from LEO or "love letters" in the mail...
Title: Re: Has anyone bought from Barrysneaky?
Post by: phubaiblues on July 08, 2011, 06:20 pm
we'll see...that's why we have escrow :)  I
Title: Re: Has anyone bought from Barrysneaky?
Post by: chronicpain on July 08, 2011, 06:52 pm
If a new vendor does not do escrow, I would say that's a huge red flag. Maybe after being here a while and building some cred He could go outside escrow. I'm not trying to knock him because he's vending some of the same items that I am at all. Just my perspective...
Title: Re: Has anyone bought from Barrysneaky?
Post by: phubaiblues on July 08, 2011, 09:32 pm
I agree CP...that's why escrow is same time, I want happy sellers, and if this is *the* issue, and it's product that I just 'got to have,' well, at least get PGP, gpg4win, GPA for us linux boys...  it's almost as important as escrow, to me, I know it doesn't protect me if *this* seller is bad, but it protects me from some hardcase computer wiz whether they are LE or not.   It's just a good sign...

BarrySneaky apparently won't transact with escrow in the mix.  As I"ve posted elswhere, I wouldn't mind seeing this as a buyer's *choice*, u know, right after 'finalize' it could say 'lift escrow' and btc would be sent immediately, and feedback should stay open until package is received.  I'd do that with you CP, without hesitation at all...

Or sellers can do what this fellow is doing, and just cancel, and offer same product, 'off the screen' where we've no protection...on us, if we do that...I worry that newbies might not understand this...we want to keep it simple, and I think escrow should be mandatory for sellers and buyers alike, for a certain period of time, and a certain amount of transactions...

Title: Re: Has anyone bought from Barrysneaky?
Post by: salad on July 12, 2011, 08:37 pm
Has anybody received anything from BarrySneaky yet?
Title: Re: Has anyone bought from Barrysneaky?
Post by: crunk_juice77 on July 13, 2011, 12:50 am
Nope. Verified that I was ripped off. No LEO notice (international order), no package. Order was shipped with fastest to Canada (1 to 2 business days.) its been 5 business days now. Won't provide tracking, he first said he had too many #'s and couldn't figure it out, then changed his story saying he lost it. Ever notice his new feedback? Wouldn't you think that at least one of those customers, would have posted on the forum and said they had received it, when this entire post doubts that he sold/sent anything. Also, now he won't allow me to "buy" feedback, because it won't be good.  :'( SCAMMED :'(
Title: Re: Has anyone bought from Barrysneaky?
Post by: chronicpain on July 13, 2011, 01:45 am
That's the beauty of the escrow system. I would question EVERY vendor that went around escrow. I think that this would be the first confirmed scammer that I'm aware of... Looks like Barry was very sneaky....
Title: Re: Has anyone bought from Barrysneaky?
Post by: nomad bloodbath on July 16, 2011, 01:44 am
ApeXz is a piece of work too. >.>
Title: Re: Has anyone bought from Barrysneaky?
Post by: joeblow2 on July 16, 2011, 05:42 am
Well, a big THANK YOU to SR for getting this forum back up in time!

I was actually considering sending Mr. Sneaky a few benjamins worth of BTC.

Now I get to just send him a nice "fuck you very much" PM on SR.

This is how the system is supposed to work.  Bravo!
Title: Re: Has anyone bought from Barrysneaky?
Post by: phubaiblues on July 17, 2011, 03:19 am
I lift escrow on sellers after I've bought once or twice from them.  I lift as soon as order is processed, and make note of that in feedback.  That is fair to seller, *but* if there are problems, then it's on me and him to sort it out: I can't cry to SR.  But I distrust sellers anytime they wish to avoid escrow before proving they are legit first...what the fuck are they doing on SR if they won't accept escrow?  There are other sites...hey, ask anybody who tried BlackMarket before they had escrow ha ha...we *all* got ripped...

But when they come on here, particularly selling heroin, which we've been known to drop our guard, and take advantage of us...well, shame on us for going for it...

Sellers should use escrow, get PGP, communicate with buyers, and post in threads, and *then* we can lift escrow...but it should be after sellers have show they are honest and reliable...all the sellers I've dealt with here have proven to be such....

The other thing new sellers can do, and should do, IMO, is start small...*not* free samples, but start with small quantity so buyers can find out if you are legit, and ship correctly....

But we pay to play...and hopefully learn thru our that sellers have to pay to get account, we'll eliminate a lot of these crooks, also...

Title: Re: Has anyone bought from Barrysneaky?
Post by: bp on July 17, 2011, 09:06 am
Well, I've been trying to give the benefit of the doubt but I'm starting to feel burned.
He hasn't responded to a PM since right after his wallet took my BTC. It sounded good and he even used an odd but workable encryption scheme to get back to me, promising to deliver.

It could still happen I suppose and would love to be able to report a delivery, but..............

He was my first buy here and I have received 2 other orders already...............come on dude, be a part of society, and I don't mean that part of society they point to and use as an excuse to tell us we aren't good enough to be free and must be controlled either..........
Title: Re: Has anyone bought from Barrysneaky?
Post by: electriccrazyman on July 17, 2011, 04:34 pm
intuition says scammer. how does he get a rating that says "i was worried about bypassing escrow". he's bs.
Title: Re: Has anyone bought from Barrysneaky?
Post by: phubaiblues on July 17, 2011, 05:54 pm
I was tempted too, but I had to stick to my guns: I don't buy from new sellers until *after* they've gone thru escrow first.  It's part of 'paying their dues.' on SR.  This whole site, it's main selling points are TOR and escrow.  TOR protects sellers from rats, and escrow protects buyers from scammers.  Any buyer who wants seller's address should be seen as probably cop.  Any *new* seller who wants to bypass escrow should be seen as ripoff...  Of *course* there are exceptions, but if we allow exceptions, then the scammers will take note. 

Any good ripoff artist will find some *good* reasons to try to get unwary buyers to bypass escrow.  They all *sound* good...but I just have to ask myself, "Why on earth would a legit seller, go to all the trouble to sign up on SR, only to ask to bypass escrow?"
and then just because they 'pm' nicely, and buy some feedback, a bunch of other people trust them too???

It doesn't make sense...  It makes sense only after they have gained the good reputation many of them have obtained.  Several sellers are more than welcome to bypass escrow...the reputable sellers have already gained my trust...but when they come out of the box asking for it, should trigger all kinds of warning flags.  As did this one...*Especially* if they also find weird ways of obtaining feedback also....takes about a quick way to do it, and I like that...

Maybe this guy's legit, maybe not...but I would never allow a new seller to bypass escrow, and if for some reason I did, I'd have no leg to stand on, if it goes bad....I got ripped a couple times over on Black Market learning the reasons for escrow...those sellers all sounded good too....they just didn't deliver...
Title: Re: Has anyone bought from Barrysneaky?
Post by: smodcastle on July 17, 2011, 07:05 pm
erg i wish that guy would leave already... its getting real annoying seeing his opiates for sell and his 98% feedback when its all bullshit and accomplishes... well what exactly does it accomplish having him exist?!! Barrystupid...  >:(
Title: Re: Has anyone bought from Barrysneaky?
Post by: joeblow2 on July 17, 2011, 09:37 pm
Good question again, Smodcastle.  I like your style!
The answer is: he's trying to rip people off.  When SR was down I contacted him for a fairly decent order.  He wanted me to sent the BTC directly.  I am completely ashamed to admit that I actually considered cutting the order in half and sending the BTC.

Then SR forums came back up; I read this thread and that was that.

I think there should be some procedure for getting him off SR though.  That 98% rating is downright fraudulent and will surely rope in some noobs.  Maybe all the people who ordered via SR escrow could "cancel and submit feedback"?
Title: Re: Has anyone bought from Barrysneaky?
Post by: smodcastle on July 18, 2011, 12:39 am
From all of Barrysneaky's product descriptions: "Discreet packaging, you will have a hard time finding it." Does anybody else see the irony in that? :P
Title: Re: Has anyone bought from Barrysneaky?
Post by: salad on July 18, 2011, 03:15 am
so he just canceled my order for his feedback because he knows that I wouldn't leave positive feedback. Can we please get this guy kicked off of SR? This is ridiculous!
Title: Re: Has anyone bought from Barrysneaky?
Post by: chronicpain on July 18, 2011, 03:37 am
I can guarantee you that he is making a lot of money. Like I said before there are around 30k members and only about 1300 registered on the forums. I bet the majority see that 98 percent and do no more looking. If he is a scammer (and im pretty sure that he is) I think that he should get his sellers account taken away. He controls his feedback, there is no chance in hell that he will allow bad feedback.

At least if SR could put an asterick next to his name to point out that he is a probable scammer and for potential customers to check out the forums..
Title: Re: Has anyone bought from Barrysneaky?
Post by: ClayG on July 18, 2011, 04:33 am
Do any sellers that dont want to receive digital currency or otherwise go outside of the escrow system and are unknown offer samples or CAD to respected members at least in the beginning?  I can see someone ripping after sending 10 people 10 bucks in samples each but what would the feelings be if the guy was relatively unknown, didn't want to mess with escrow but on the upshot shipped upfront to members he felt was respected and honest and those he didn't people could either play ball or go fuck themselves?

If you do this for a living that shouldn't be a problem.  The only thing is anyone who does this for a living and is good at it usually has  more demand than supply locally and wouldn't take the chance fucking around on computers with people he didn't know.   I don't mean you guys making money, I mean a living. 100% of your income and more importantly your time.  Fucking slave to your trade where your customers enjoy their lives and freetime more than you.  When it gets to that point why would you ever risk the exposure? 

Of coarse Barrysneaky would be a junky or scammer, he is selling H through the web.  What does he have to gain doing it that way then doing it locally?  He can sell quicker and reup quicker.  The only reason would be to make MORE money either by charging a premium or doing half of then cutting it.  Not bashing junkies, I was one(pills, lortabs and finally Roxis/blues) -  I know how that 10,000 LB gorilla feels on your back when that hourglass is counting down - but the point is opiates?  I would be highly skeptical unless the price was extremely high.

I'm probably older than some of the members here so alot of my thinking comes from a different time.  But if it were me, and I were selling opiates or H - something that they are frying people for now - I'd do it ONLY locally unless for whatever reason I was unable to.    I'd want to be more in touch with my people just on the merit of being able to hear from others if they were arrested recently.   Opiate users spend alot just on themselves, average roxie user from what I heard some dude at the urinal say, is 60-100 if the guy has a job.  You don't need alot of customers to do very well selling opiates if you aren't using them.  The 60-100 is for their habit, Opiates turn junkies into "dealers" so in addition they are getting money from all their friends then adding a few bucks per pill plus "buy me one" into it.  A lazy seller who isn't taking them could probably move 100 in 2-3 days with only 2-3 solid customers.  That goes for pills, don't know shit about H thank god I never got a chance to find it when I was lost on blues or I'm certain I'd love it and be on it now.

One other thing and I know it's hard to admit, but honestly what real dealer would work in escrow with opiates?  It's like credit, you avoid it at all costs with all drugs but doing it with Opiates is a no-no.  Dude owes you 20 and has only 20 to his name and his other guy has a 20 ready and he's sick? Fuck you think he's going to do?  You're getting a sob story.

All in all remember I really don't have any insight at all with Tor/Dark/w/e vendors.   It's just from logic and my past experiences with other mediums so I could be very wrong.

Title: Re: Has anyone bought from Barrysneaky?
Post by: joeblow2 on July 18, 2011, 05:24 am

Of coarse Barrysneaky would be a junky or scammer, he is selling H through the web. 

Now I finally see the *irony* in this whole BarrySneaky situation: he's accumulating BTC by ripping off buyers, not cash.  So what will he do with it?  Turn around and buy opiates for himself from SR vendors.  Want to guess which ones he'll pick?  I bet old Barry goes for the ones with the best *real* reputations.  He won't even try a new vendor with other peoples money.  Opium=OPM=other peoples money.  I think he's done this before too.  No first time scammer would give himself the phonetic duplicate of "very sneaky".  uh uh...

You are forgetting one thing tho': in F2F sales, every buyer (many being junkies, no offense, I had a big habit once myself) knows your face and real or street name, phone number and maybe address.  Sooner or later some % of them get arrested.  And they *always* cooperate.  With SR the most they can tell them is the persons SR handle and the state or country it was mailed from.  A huge difference in exposure; even if for the same buck.  I would always gladly do the extra paperwork and packing to avoid having to sell F2F.  Like you, I was merrily selling to pay for my own oxy.  Time flies, even for boring paperwork when you're doing oxy.  I remember once being fascinated by the electrostatic air filter on my home's furnace when I changed it while high.  Weird.
Title: Re: Has anyone bought from Barrysneaky?
Post by: bp on July 19, 2011, 11:51 pm
I wish a seller would put up a "Barrysneaky feedback" for a bitcent (or more)!
I pm'd SR about it but didn't get a return.
Title: Re: Has anyone bought from Barrysneaky?
Post by: phubaiblues on July 20, 2011, 05:34 am
I'm not sure: I went thru his whole product description, and profile page, all that, and he doesn't seem to be selling feedback and stuff anymore.  And his feedback has been consistently positive.  And doesn't appear to be asking to go outside of escrow, either...only downside I'm seeing, is no pgp.  Any updates on this guy?
Title: Re: Has anyone bought from Barrysneaky?
Post by: salad on July 20, 2011, 05:39 am
He must have gotten rid of the selling feedback recently. I think he just posted some more of his own feedback though. I don't know what is going on. I think that he puts his feedback for sale and then really quickly buys it with another profile and then goes back and cancels selling the feedback so it looks like it does now. Pretty smart if that is what he is actually doing. Not sure if he is still going outside of escrow or not.
Title: Re: Has anyone bought from Barrysneaky?
Post by: phubaiblues on July 20, 2011, 05:48 am
Well the only thing he's selling is opiates, some pretty interesting, and the feedback appears from shipments, as that's all he's had for sale now for a bit, so it's too bad whoever's buying doesn't come on the forums....maybe I'll pm him: if he came on here and explained some of this...weird.
Title: Re: Has anyone bought from Barrysneaky?
Post by: salad on July 20, 2011, 05:55 am
I really don't think anybody is buying. I never received my first pill, then he was going to send another, i never received that. I bought his feedback, he canceled it the next day. I have bought probably a dozen items on SR and all have come through except for him. All signs point to scammer to me...
Title: Re: Has anyone bought from Barrysneaky?
Post by: phubaiblues on July 20, 2011, 06:08 am
It's strange.  He has no feedback for about a week, then one good one tonite.  Everything is all legit on his setup tho, but of course, there's nothing to keep from having a buyers account in another name, buy 'anything' from himself, then finalize, and put glowing feedback.  There's just no way to know.  That 'g' from Philly looks pretty good, but I'm not going to risk it...too many people I pay attention to on here have had bad experiences.  I'm mostly just curious how it is done but my guess is a fake buyer or two, that's all it would take.  yeah, u loose a few btc in the process, as SR gets their cut, but weird, as since he's *not* bypassing escrow anymore, there's no rip...I wish he'd come on here, and either tell us he's legit, and to quit blaspheming the poor bastard, or SR would get rid of him.  Spooky.
Title: Re: Has anyone bought from Barrysneaky?
Post by: ocfan on July 20, 2011, 06:06 pm
Hey everyone... I have finally realized that I will not be getting my pills from him.  I am a newbie and I was stupid enough to send him a direct payment.  I am so upset.  He doesnt advertise anymore that he requires direct payment, but as soon as you say your interested, he send you an email saying that he deals only in direct payment because he wants to be able to deal/collect even if SR goes down.  It seemed believable because I am new and I knew SR was down for awhile... but I cant believe that I am so dumb. 

He originally said it would take about 4 days.  I was at the mailbox on the 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th day.  I then emailed him and asked for a tracking number.  He said that he was away from home (or some shit) and so he doesnt have the tracking number, but it should come in today's mail (whatever day that was).  Thats when I realized something is wrong.  he told me he estimated it to come today... but that was like 8 days after it was "sent".  What happened to 4 days.  He then said if it doesnt come in the next few days, he would look into it (leading me to have some inkling of hope that there was some tracking number at his home).  So, a few days later I told him that nothing has come.  His reply?  "I am doing so good on SR that I can afford to take a hit and I will go ahead and send a new package out".  He then asked if there was a possibility that my address was compromised, and to give him a new address to send it to.  I then asked for just a refund.  I have not heard back from him since.

I know that everyone reading this is thinking that I am a dumbass and its my fault for risking a direct transaction with a new to me seller.  I know...  But I feel like crying.  I feel like dying right now.  I sent the last of my money to him because I need the pills, and he knowingly just took it, never planning on giving me anything in return.  I wish there was some way I could erase this.  I wish he would just give me SOME money back.  I dont understand how this could go on and other unsuspecting buyers arent warned about dealing with him.  How come I had to start searching if others had the same experience as me?  I hate myself so much right now.  Please everyone, help me spread the word and put an end to this guy.
Title: Re: Has anyone bought from Barrysneaky?
Post by: chronicpain on July 20, 2011, 06:17 pm
I really think that SR needs to put up a disclaimer on Barrysneakys page or delete his listings...
Title: Re: Has anyone bought from Barrysneaky?
Post by: Kryptonite83 on July 20, 2011, 07:33 pm
I really think that SR needs to put up a disclaimer on Barrysneakys page or delete his listings...

+1 to the fullest
Title: Re: Has anyone bought from Barrysneaky?
Post by: joeblow2 on July 20, 2011, 09:24 pm
Agreed.  There needs to be a procedure to inform SR and have them act when a scammer becomes plainly evident.  Just a pm to bring him to a thread and then SR can decide.

Cancel his orders, pull his listings.  What's he going to do?  Come here and complain?

This is not a vendor dispute.  Everyone knows it's a scam. That's what boards are *for*.  Let's protect the newbies from ordering. 

We were all newbies once...  :D
Title: Re: Has anyone bought from Barrysneaky?
Post by: phubaiblues on July 20, 2011, 11:09 pm
HI: it's one of the few scams that still is possible on here, which is for seller to set up what looks like a normal transaction, and then once you pm him, to convince you to send him money directly.  Of course, once you go *outside* escrow system, you have no chance of recovering your money, and SR probably can't help.  I certainly would notify SR though, send them a pm, if you haven't already, so they can at least remove him from lists.

It's not just because  you are new, either.  I've been on here a while, and yesterday, I considered going through it for a smaller purchase just to find out where the rip was--or to see if he'd changed--but obviously he hasn't.

You have shown why escrow is the main selling point of this site, and two things that should be drilled into newbies, is to *not* leave the escrow protection, and to always go first to the forums to see the reputations sellers have, as it's a rare seller--good or bad--who doesn't have a thread on him.  Particularly opiate sellers. 

I do lift escrow on trusted sellers...but it should never be done in the beginning.  I hope it's your last bad experience.  Opiate buyers post regularly and are a pretty good crew, so welcome to you, and most of us--including me--have lost some money, somewhere, either on here or another tor site.  I got ripped on Black Market when SR was down, just because there was no escrow to protect me.   And I"ve had two opiate sellers not deliver, but escrow ensured I got my money back.   I wish SR could find a way to make buyers come to forums before making first purchase, but you--like many--had to learn the hard way.

Hey everyone... I have finally realized that I will not be getting my pills from him.  I am a newbie and I was stupid enough to send him a direct payment.  I am so upset.  He doesnt advertise anymore that he requires direct payment, but as soon as you say your interested, he send you an email saying that he deals only in direct payment because he wants to be able to deal/collect even if SR goes down.  It seemed believable because I am new and I knew SR was down for awhile... but I cant believe that I am so dumb. 

He originally said it would take about 4 days.  I was at the mailbox on the 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th day.  I then emailed him and asked for a tracking number.  He said that he was away from home (or some shit) and so he doesnt have the tracking number, but it should come in today's mail (whatever day that was).  Thats when I realized something is wrong.  he told me he estimated it to come today... but that was like 8 days after it was "sent".  What happened to 4 days.  He then said if it doesnt come in the next few days, he would look into it (leading me to have some inkling of hope that there was some tracking number at his home).  So, a few days later I told him that nothing has come.  His reply?  "I am doing so good on SR that I can afford to take a hit and I will go ahead and send a new package out".  He then asked if there was a possibility that my address was compromised, and to give him a new address to send it to.  I then asked for just a refund.  I have not heard back from him since.

I know that everyone reading this is thinking that I am a dumbass and its my fault for risking a direct transaction with a new to me seller.  I know...  But I feel like crying.  I feel like dying right now.  I sent the last of my money to him because I need the pills, and he knowingly just took it, never planning on giving me anything in return.  I wish there was some way I could erase this.  I wish he would just give me SOME money back.  I dont understand how this could go on and other unsuspecting buyers arent warned about dealing with him.  How come I had to start searching if others had the same experience as me?  I hate myself so much right now.  Please everyone, help me spread the word and put an end to this guy.
Title: Re: Has anyone bought from Barrysneaky?
Post by: ocfan_1 on July 21, 2011, 07:23 pm
I forgot to mention that he also gave me a yahoo email address so we can be in contact throughout the transaction in case SR went down.  Is there any way to track him down from an email address? (doubtful even a valid address)  Just curious.  I would post his emails... just not sure if that is even allowed.